This page is meant as a guide on how to use specific functionality of this site as a tool author. This document will continue to grow as more blocks and options are added.
Tool settings
Coming soontm
A note on spacing
For most blocks you’ll have a block spacing setting. This setting defines how much space there should be between blocks in the same Column, Group, Row or Stack. They also have margin and padding settings for respectively space outside and inside the block. At the moment these spacings are not yet clearly defined and they will be subject to change in the future. If you don’t want your tool page layout to break in the future, use these functions sparringly (if at all).
At the moment the different spacing options are as follows (but again: subject to change):
- 0: no spacing, elements are directly touching each other
- 1: smallest spacing: adds a small distance (examples: the space between text and an outline, so the outline won’t touch the text)
- 2: small spacing: provide some breathing room for an element (exmaple: button paddings)
- 3: spacing between elements belonging together (examples: spacing between items of a horizontal menu, subheadings below headings)
- 4: medium spacing: spacing between dfifferent elements (examples: next paragraph, below a video embedd, etc.)
- 5: large spacing: spacing between elements that have nothing to do with each other (examples: spacing between diferent types or subjects of information)
- 6: extended spacing: spacing between parts of the page that have nothing to do with each other (exmaples: spacing between sections)
- 7: huge spacing: meant for spacing around elements that are the main focus point (example: headers, image backgrounds, etc.)
This site uses Gutenberg as the editor for tool authors. Gutenberg is the native editor of WordPress so users with experience using that cms should be familiar with the concepts and use. A couple of custom blocks have been added to enable specific functionality specific for this site, but most of the blocks are native Gutenberg.
Native gutenberg blocks
Below is the list with all the native Gutenberg blocks and links to their documentation (official WordPress documentation). At the moment all existing native blocks are listed (as of 2024-06-11). The block names with striketrough formatting are not yet availible for use, but might become in the future. (This also means that blocks deemed not usable for tool authors will be removed from this list in the coming weeks).
Please note: not all block functionalities mentioned in the documentation are availible for use.
Media blocks
Text blocks
Design blocks
Embed blocks
Amazon Kindle EmbedAnimoto EmbedCloudup EmbedCrowdsignal embedDailymotion embedEmbedsFacebook embedFlickr embedImgur embedInstagram embedIssuu embedKickstarter embedMixCloud embedPinterest embedPocket Casts embedReddit embedReverbNation embedScreencast embedScribd embedSlideshare embedSmugMug embedSoundCloud embedSpeaker Deck embedSpotify embedTED embedTikTok embedTumblr embedTwitter embedVideoPress embedVimeo embedWolfram embedWordPress embedYouTube embed
Widget blocks
Theme blocks
Avatar BlockCategories BlockCustom Link blockExcerpt blockHome Link blockLogin-out blockNavigation blockNext Post blockPagination blockPost Author Biography blockPost Author blockPost Author Name blockPost Comments Form blockPost Content blockPost Date blockPost Featured Image blockPost Modified Date blockPost Navigation Link blockPost Tags blockPost Template blockPost Title blockPosts List block